M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Friday, 1 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Confederation; Deputation; Extending the duration of Sejm sessions; Extension of parliamentary session; Internal and external issues; Legislation development; Legislative proposal; Marshal of the Sejm; Marshals' Decree; National representatives; Parliamentary procedures; Sejm prorogation; Sejmik assemblies; Voivodeships and County Sejmiks;

Monday, 4 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: confederation bonds; contracts and official duties; deputies' activity reports; equality of nobility; formulation of Cardinal Laws articles; Great Sejm; inheritance and priorities; law collection; May 3rd Constitution; sejm prorogation; sejmik reforms;

Act published 185

Topics: city of Bobruisk; civil-military commission; courts; iteration; law; Republic; Rzecki county; sejmiks; transfer of documents; venue for sejmiks;

Tuesday, 5 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Cardinal Laws; Criminal law; Equality before the law; Free voting; Freedom of speech; Freedom of the press; Honor defense; Military discipline; Parliamentary criticism; Parliamentary work; Press censorship; Press offenses; Public justification; Sejm session;

Thursday, 7 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: adoption of the Constitution of May 3; cardinal law; confederation; discussions on prorogation; draft resolutions; foreign affairs deputation; Four-Year Sejm; Jan Łuszczewski; opposition; Piotr Pawlikowski; right to prorogue; Sejm decisions; Sejm Marshal; Sejm sessions; senator Józef Rybiński; Stanisław August Poniatowski; Stanisław Małachowski; state reform;

Friday, 8 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Act on the order of the Sejm of 1768; Amendments by deputy Jan Krasnodębski to the project; Confederation of January 24, 1791; Contributions of King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Debates concerning the principles of seat conduct; Decisions on extending the duration of the Confederation; Franciszek Mikorski's project; Issues of deputies' attendance and salaries; Parliamentary laws; Proposals for increasing the number of deputies; Sejm session and decisions concerning parliamentary procedures; Sejm sessions and controversies;

Monday, 11 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Alternative; Confederation; Deputies; Gniezno Voivodeship; Great Sejm; King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Legal Project; Marshal of the Sejm; National Cavalry; Sejm Session; Sejmiks; Stanisław Małachowski; Universal (Declaration); Zemstvo Courts;

Tuesday, 12 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Confederation and royal universals; Confederation marshals and their role; Legitimacy of deputies and oaths; Marshal of the Sejm and chairmanship; Number of deputies and electoral rights; Opposition of deputies; Proposals and legislative projects; Prorogation of the Sejm; Rights of the nation and prerogatives of the estates; Session of the Sejm and closing of debates; Voting in the Sejm;

Thursday, 14 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Civil-Military Commissioners; deputy functions at foreign courts; discussion on the right to resign of deputies; election of a successor to the throne; extension of the Confederation; legislative proposal on the election of deputies; resignation from the deputy function; session of the Senate; summoning of the Sejm session; timetables for local assemblies and the Sejm;

Friday, 15 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Addendum to Law; Alternative for Prussian Lithuania; Condition in Sejmik Voting; Condition on Suspens Project; Deputy Benedykt Hulewicz; Deputy Mateusz Butrymowicz; Deputy Onufry Oborski; Deputy Tomasz Wawrzecki; Deputy Wojciech Świętosławski; Internal Dissent; Marshal of the Lithuanian Confederation; Political Manifestos; Prince Kazimierz Sapieha; Project on Returning Deputy Election Prerogative; Project on Sejm Session Form; Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Sejm Session;

Monday, 18 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Ignacy Zakrzewski; Jan Łuszczewski; King's indisposition; legislative project of the Estates; Mateusz Butrymowicz; Sejm Instruction Project; sejmik session proceedings; Stanisław Małachowski, Marshal of the Sejm; Tomasz Dłuski; voting and decision-making in sejmiks (regional assemblies); Walerian Strojnowski; Wojciech Świętosławski;

Act published 186

Topics: confederation; deputies; duration of the confederation; elections; legislative Sejm; Lithuanian province; political situation; proceedings of the Sejm; republic; sejmiks (local assemblies);

Tuesday, 19 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: 1790 Sejm Session; Bełz Voivodeship; Bill Proposal; Civil-Military Commissioners; Local Assemblies (Sejmiki); Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Opposition of Deputies; Parliamentary Debate; Parliamentary Mandates; Senators; Tenth Groszek Commissioners;

Thursday, 21 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Belz Voivodeship; deputies; discussion on the participation of various voivodeships in the Sejm; governance of the government form; king's absence; legislative project; project proposals; proportional representation of deputies; Sejm session; Suspensa; Vitebsk Voivodeship; voivodeships' privileges; voting rights;

Friday, 22 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: announcement of constitutions; cardinal laws; election of deputies; grain reserve regulation; legislative proposals; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Sejm decisions; Sejm voting; sejmiks; senators and deputies; suspensa; unanimity in the Sejm;

Monday, 25 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: controversies and decisions on landholder taxes and duties; debate on the burden of church and royal estates; debate on transportation and funding for the military; Discussion of the equivalency project in the Sejm; dissatisfaction with Sejm activities and management of civil-military commissions; establishment of regulations for the bulk grain collection; examination of regulations for the grain collection; grain obligations for various regions; proposition to adjourn land courts; rules for exporting country's products;

Act published 187

Topics: election of deputies; instructions; majority of votes; regional assemblies; unanimity; voting;

Act published 188

Topics: Commissioners' work; Establishment of offerings and taxes; Merits of Commissioners; Qualification for public functions and offices; State finances; Taxation for the military;

Act published 189

Topics: courts; deputies; judicial deadlines; law; ministers; oath execution; personal punishment; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Sejm (parliament) sessions; senators; suspensions;

Tuesday, 26 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Civil-Military Commissioners; Extension of the deadline of the reporting sejmiks; Fixing prices of oats for soldiers; Initiatives of deputies; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Military regulations; Opposition and voting; Order of proceedings and legislative processes; Prices of grains and military provisioning; Project regarding Civil-Military Commissioners; Rehabilitation of military man Pan Oskierka; Resolution proposals;

Wednesday, 27 October 1790

No deliberations

Act published 190

Topics: Acceleration of justice; Court dates; Justice delay; Kalisz voivodeship; Land and castle courts sessions; Sejmiks;

Act published 191

Topics: Classification of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Dwellings; Distribution of Grain Provisioning Obligation; Exemptions and Exclusions; Grain Delivery Deadlines; Grain Pricing; Grain Procurement for the Military; Grain Silo Tariff; Grain Silos Regulation; Measurement and Receipt Requirements; Military Maintenance Fund; Obligation to Provide Rye and Oats; Transportation Fees;

Act published 192

Topics: appeals; civil-military commissions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; criminal registers; justice for crown provinces; legal provisions; official responsibility; Order commissions; resolutions; treasury and military commissions; tribunal;

Thursday, 28 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Government form issues; Grain transportation and transfer matters; Introduction of the project regarding the transfer of ejmuków reports.; Investigative sessions and sejmiks gatherings; Marshal of the Sejm and number of deputies present; Opposition to Sejm projects; Proposals for Sejm closing dates; Regulations and order of Sejm proceedings; Reporting on the Lithuanian treasury; Treasury affairs and public accounts;

Friday, 29 October 1790

Report from the session

Topics: Bill on concluding the Sejm's work; Dates for convocation of the relation sejmiks; Delegation against the Decreed Adam; Efforts of the Crown Treasury Commission and credit negotiations; Matter of ratifying the loan agreement; Opposition and support for projects; Proposals for compensating the work of Sejm officials; Regulating the affairs of the Sejm chancellery;

Baza danych na stronach to drobny wycinek Wielkiej genealogii Minakowskiego, sięgającej średniowiecza, zawierającej ponad 1.200.000 osób nawzajem skoligaconych, w tym znaczną część sławnych Polaków wszystkich epok; więcej na ten temat na .
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Serwisowi patronuje Stowarzyszenie Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego, działające pod patronatem Marszałka Sejmu RP.

Znani: literaci, malarze, muzycy, aktorzy, dziennikarze, odkrywcy, historycy, wojskowi, filozofowie, ludzie Kościoła, prawnicy, politycy: przedrozbiorowi, dziewiętnastowieczni, przedwojenni, powojenni, współcześni, parlamentarzyści II i III RP oraz PRL, uczeni (członkowie akademii nauk): nauk społecznych, nauk biologicznych, nauk ścisłych, nauk technicznych, nauk rolniczo-leśnych, nauk medycznych, nauk o ziemi

Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 12.06.2024.
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